Sunday, January 02, 2011

Day 2 - Heart's Desire Pillow

This little gem started back in spring of '04 (oh my) has patiently waited for her time to shine and now adorns our bed.


  1. The front looks great, but what does the back look like? :)

  2. Lisa!!!!! How awesome! I love what you did to the heart panel! I still have mine (UFO)and what you're doing is actually inspiring me!!! And guess what? Tomorrow night (Tuesday 1/4) is my first official Chicago Craft Night at the First Lutheran Church in our neighborhood. Danny & I are actually coordinating a variety of community events to be held there....I'm excited and I hope there's a good turnout. Anyhow.....what a neat idea you're doing with the 365 days of creativity. What do you plan on doing with the results you find after doing it, as well as the things you'll be making? Selling any of them? Etsy? I'm gonna love hearing/seeing what you're up to everyday. Let's talk soon! Miss you, too.
